
Helping SC churches collaborate, grow, thrive


Connect with one of our partner churches  to experience the fellowship of CBFSC.


Make a one time and secure donation to CBFSC through our online portal.


We have mission partners throughout the state who can always use some helping hands.

The Care and Feeding of Ministers

The Care and Feeding of Ministers

Most ministers will be happy for a gift of chocolates but there are a few more things a congregation can give its ministers that might be even more welcome: The gift of being direct; The gift of utilizing the staff structure; The gift of rationing communiques; The gift of sharing your background; The gift of prayer.

Feb. 11: Souper Bowl of Caring

Feb. 11: Souper Bowl of Caring

Help feed hungry people with the Souper Bowl of Caring on Feb. 11. If you’re looking for a new way to help out on this day, we’ve got a a few suggestions or just do a Google search!

Building Hope Weekend 2024—The Details

Building Hope Weekend 2024—The Details

Meeting the need effectively and equitably for safe, secure and affordable housing is both the cornerstone and the hallmark of thriving, stable, and resilient communities. During the Building Hope Weekend, participants will work on housing projects identified by local housing partners, to provide a safe and healthy home environment for rural residents in Allendale, Bamberg, and Barnwell counties.

Beverly Greer Offering for State Missions

Funding for our mission partners comes mainly through the Beverly Greer Offering for State Missions. Churches and individuals may contribute directly to this offering to support major, ongoing grants to six partners and smaller, annual grants to several others. Explore.

Who we are

We are a fellowship of Baptist Christians and churches in South Carolina who share a passion for the Great Commission of Jesus Christ, a commitment to Baptist principles of faith and practice, and a heart for missions service. We work with many partners around the state to to carry out our work.

What we do

The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship is a Christian network of individuals and churches working together to spread the hope of Christ. Our community includes partners all over the globe, and our fellowship supports a wide range of missions and ministries that give people meaningful opportunities to put their faith into action.


The Beverly Greer Offering for State Missions helps CBFSC partner with ministries across our state. The goal for 2023 is $70,000. The Offering now supports SIX covenant mission partners, and also provides for grants offered to ministries and churches through the year.